random thoughts

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


there are times when i realize that my life is made up of count downs, like how many more days until winter is over or spring break or summer is here, and this is a really good way to wake up one day and be like, whoa i just spent my entire life waiting for something more to come, and now i'm playing bingo and my hair is blue. bingo and blue hair will be fun, but for when it's time for that.
it's time to enjoy the fall, the cold, the now, the wind, the people, the laughter, the randomosity, the dancing, the friends, the phonecalls, the day to day fun. sounds like a coffee commercial, live to the last drop.
some commercials are true. like got milk.
i don't got milk at the moment, and i wish i did. how true is that.
i have a question for all you smart people out there-- is ignorance bliss? would you rather be stupid or unhappy? and also,
why can't the trix rabbit eat trix?
i feel like if it were my cereal and i wasn't allowed to eat it, i'd be like oh no hell no, then i will stop wasting my time making your damn commercials.
that's right. the rabbit needs to stand up to the man.
damn the man.


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