random thoughts

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Yesterday I saw a dead squirrel, just lying in the snow. It wasn't run over or anything, just had tracks behind it and nothing in front of it. It looked like maybe it had just been having a grand old time in the snow and then had a heart attack of excitement.
I thought it was kind of beautiful in an artistic way, like he's just taking a nap on a clean white blanket.
Then I thought no, it's kind of gross because how long has it been here and do the other squirrels just try to ignore it?
Then I thought well, that's sad, but then no, that's just life, but it's not really life, it's pretty much death.
And then I almost got run over by a garbage truck because I was walking staring back at the dead squirrel in the snow.
The moral of the story is, do not be distracted by life's "dead squirrels" because it is only an opportunity for the metaphorical "garbage truck" to come and mow you over.
Or maybe the moral is don't walk in the middle of the street not paying attention like a dumbass.
Choose your moral.


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