random thoughts

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

And the beat goes on

I haven't posted in a while, because I've had things to do, but now that I have many many more things to do, I will instead waste time posting random thoughts. And the beat goes on. That makes me feel secure, to know that at least in all the chaos of the world, the beat goes on.
Tonight is the debate between the vice presidents. Watching the presidential debate didn't make me feel hopeful in any way, with any candidate though. The only real thing that productively comes out of watching the debates is that I understand the jokes on the Daily Show. Jon Stewart for President 2004.
The thing about presidential discussion on a college campus is that there is very little opportunity for discussion, since anyone who is not a Democrat is ridiculously outnumbered, even though that rarely shuts them up. The point is though, that I made one comment not that supportive of Kerry and was immediately silenced. Even though I was right.
I hold firm in my belief that Bush would be a cool uncle. Think of it-- he'd take me to lots of sports games, he could give me other countries plus also, imagine all the crazy party stories he has from his coke days. Awesome.


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