random thoughts

Friday, December 10, 2004

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"Alive still."
Oh the big picture is a silly thing to look at.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Life is made up of the decisions we make, and one day I plan to walk into one of those shining mysterious floating portals and just see where it takes me. So I don't really know why I do homework now then.
"And what about life and everything?" he asked.
"I just try not to think about it," she answered and continued playing computer solitaire.
Genetics can affect many things. Lucky for her, her family endowed her with a healthy, slimming eating disorder and a bad body image. She always just wished for blue eyes.
The CocaCola commercial where the polar bears drink out of the bottles really freak me out, because everyone knows that with that figure those bears would not been seen drinking anything but diet. Jeez, some people.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

The Superhero Journals

She was a superhero born unfortunately with a frugal godmother who endowed her with a super-power that happened to be on sale: the ability for superhuman honesty-- sometimes faster than a speeding bullet but not always helpful in the moment of danger.
To be continued...
People say things like "that's like salt in an open wound", but they never tell you that soy sauce can make it burn just the same.
Oh, the lessons we are forced to teach ourselves.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

"It's been too long of a time alone," he said as he lay on the cliche leather couch in her office.
"There are different lengths of time to be single for everyone, who are you to say that it's time to be with someone?" his shrink asked.
"I have sexual tension with myself."
"And how does that make you feel?"
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