random thoughts

Thursday, March 17, 2005

When you step on an Oat Square with barefeet and can't figure out what just happened-- it's that foggy second when you are caught between wondering what really small and expensive object you just broke or if you suddenly died, and this is what death is like, just one small crunch.
And then crumbs.
Amputation is the only surefire way to really keep the weight off.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Why does society make random frolicking and attempting to catch wild squirrels such taboos?

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Just because I can't control the disgusted expressions my face makes when you talk is no reason to stop telling a story halfway through.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

There are moments you just want to reach inside someone's head and smack them for what they might be thinking. That's the biggest downfall of everyone having these large solid skulls.

Friday, March 11, 2005

When gangsters says "Homie don't play dat", they're probably referring to Duck Duck Goose because the hood is not a good place to find yourself in the mush pot.
It is hard to convey "air quotes" on the phone. Come to think of it, "in writing" also.
The next few entries are the random thoughts that created the writing down of random thoughts, since the journal that holds them is now full.
These are the arbitrary wonderings that began it all.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.
Real names for diabetes camps in the United States:
Camp Hotshots
Sugarfree Gang Kids Kamp
Camp Needles In Pines
Camp Too Sweet
Camp Needlepoint
This all seems like a silly way to name a camp you're trying to get kids to come to.
A more catchy and attractive name:
Camp Your Pancreas Sucks and Attacked Itself.
Now that sounds like fun!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Today I saw the saddest frozen gray bunny just huddled near the bushes. Then it turned out to be a rock. And I was kinda sadder.
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