random thoughts

Friday, December 08, 2006

Now that I am 22, I have begun having old people problems. Last night I went to bed with indigestion. It was caused by eating too much frosting, so I guess I'm not that old yet. Yum/ow.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Alright, enough with the ice. We should just make sidewalks out of salt to begin with so that they will not become icy in the winter. This will also take care of snails in the spring. Brilliant.
People like living in warm weather climates, such as California. What they don't realize is that this deprives them of knowing which of their neighbors they should hate because they are the kind of people who don't shovel their sidewalks. And that's unfortunate.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The problem with Facebook is that it lies. I sit at my computer pressing "My Friends" and then the page comes up and I think, who ARE these people? Same disappointment with pressing the "Home" button.
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