Even if you'd thought many times how the stairs in your house are slippery and dangerous, it's still surprising when you fall down them. And that's what hurts the most. That and the rest of the body.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Facebook and the internet are really good ways to keep in touch and find friends from childhood. Unless you're Amish.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
If there was ever a time when you wondered if I would enjoy randomness or presents, never again doubt the beauty of either.
When I count my blessings I realize just how high I can count. And when I count the Count and the accountant, that makes four.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
It's sometimes disappointing that dreams only come from inside my head. Last night in my dream someone said, "Oh look-- a Hope Stick!" and then I asked them "What's a Hope Stick?" but they couldn't answer me because I don't know what a Hope Stick is and it was all from whatever I have in my brain. Then they spent the rest of the dream dodging my questions and changing the topic. Dreams are so annoying.