random thoughts

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

If life is a highway, what is stopping to pee?
This is a silly thought, but when has that stopped me before?
I think that relationships show a progression and that each one is more evolved than the one before. For example, the last boyfriend didn't like chocolate at all. This one says that dark chocolate is far superior to milk chocolate (which is obviously false). Therefore, the next one will probably be made of chocolate! I can't wait.
It's funny how much happier life is when you know you've got a secret stash of candy corn.
Tomorrow I'm making pumpkin pie with my sweetie pie. I'm not sure which part I'm more excited about, but let me say this: pumpkin pie and I go way back.
I am trying to come up with a pet name/cute nickname for this boyfriend person of mine. His suggestion was, "Try to come up with something that if someone else said it you wouldn't want to throw up." I've got nothing.
I have this problem where I can't go to my room and get ready for bed until my boyfriend says goodnight and something cute. Luckily, he is very good at this game. In the past I have stayed up for three or four months.
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