random thoughts

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sometimes making quick decisions is brilliant.
Other times you delete all the games off your computer.
And are left with nothing.
Only an empty feeling that could be fixed by the sounds of cards clicking.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Most recent ingeniousness: something that can be called Gnu York.
I'm not sure what it will be yet. Maybe a petting zoo. Or a clothing line for cattle.
How do you know when mouthwash expires? When it doesn't burn?
Do pregnant women shoplift more easily?

Thesis: Children are like small drunk people.


Both children and drunk people...

are prone to flailing.

like to show off.

randomly shout.

remove their clothing in public.

are easily amused.

spill on themselves.

find themselves hilarious.

throw up randomly.

accidentally latch onto people they don't know.

cannot be reasoned with.

prone to public urination.

wear macaroni jewelry?

break into song and dance.

have issues with gravity.

are basically incomprehensible.

cry out of nowhere.

throw public tantrums.

fall asleep almost anywhere.

make inhuman noises.

laugh about things that only make sense in their heads.

should have gone to bed a long time ago.
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