random thoughts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's difficult to advise someone who has recently gone through a break up.
Everyone always thinks they are ready to date new people before they actually are.
How do you convey: sure, go out with someone new but don't waste that first date on anyone actually good?
My unconscious problem-solving skills are impressive. Last night I dreamed I was on a train into Africa and forgot my passport at home. Solution? "I'll just accuse someone of stealing it on my way out."

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring! How many pictures of flowers in bloom is too many?
Is that the reason why I seem to be late everywhere?
It's so hard to factor in the appropriate amount of time for walking somewhere and stopping to admire every new leaf.
My current method for battling the anxiety caused by the overwhelmingly gaining mountains of due dates and upcoming exams involves writing lists over and over followed by calendars of varying lengths. Fortunately this is a great distraction from all the work I should actually be doing.
Didn't we almost have it all?
Or as close to "all" that absolutely no commitment or inconvenience can get?
Lately I have been having dreams that fully reflect my current creativity and inner desires.

The night before last I dreamed that I found an entire closet of toys in my aunt's house. My first thought wasn't the childish reaction, Yay toys! but instead, Yay free speech therapy materials!

Last night I dreamed I met up with a friend and in the DREAM I fell asleep at the bar on a couch watching TV. Later I convinced someone to go buy me pancakes. That's the wildest, most unrealistic part.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Helping my grandmother cook and clean for Passover makes me ponder things about my own life. Like how I will never need a hundred breakable glass dishes. And how old I will be when I spend money buying coasters.
I wish that when I dreamed I could realize that it was all in my head and just change it.
Last night in a dream I was at a party and there was nobody there I wanted to see.
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