random thoughts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Grown up is as grown up does.
I wrote thank you cards for graduation gifts. Because my mom told me to.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Things that sound good the night before but aren't in the morning:
The idea to leave my phone under my bed where it fell in order to motivate me to get up when the alarm goes off. Most confusing morning of my life.
There is something about turning things in 1 hour ahead of my own scheduled plan that just makes me want to watch TV for the rest of the day.
If I could say one thing to your face, it would be extremely loud.
At this point, the difference between "things that are in my control" and "things that are out of my control" is a small fraction of the Richter Scale in my high level of worry about both of them.
There is something about studying all day everyday that makes washing dishes and cleaning the stove feel like dancing. Especially if done while simultaneously dancing.
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