random thoughts

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stray cats are the squirrels of Israel.
For some reason they are creepier than squirrels.
I guess bushy tails can make you look past the fact that they have rabies and live in trash.
The same goes for people, except dimples. (Example: Tom Brady)
Did you hear about the new drug that has recently been created?
They've combined laxatives and laughing gas.
It's called: "For Shits and Giggles".

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sometimes I go back and read all the things I've written on this blog and crack myself up. Unrelatedly, sometimes I realize I may need more hobbies.
When I lived in Spain, there were no bagels. Spain kicked out all their Jews hundreds of years ago. Thus, no Jews = no bagels.
Lots of Jews live in New York City. New York City has really good bagels. Thus, Jews = bagels.
Israel is the Jewish homeland. Why are the bagels mediocre and the salad without lettuce?
Math is hard.
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