Some things do not translate from one language to another. For example, a line from a famous Beatles' song: Hello, hello, I don't know why you said goodbye, I say hello.
In Hebrew: Shalom, shalom, I don't know why you say shalom, I say shalom.
Also, Hawaiian: Aloha, aloha, I don't know why you say aloha, I say aloha.
Actually, it's kind of a silly song in the first place. The reason: it's written in British!
It's a beautiful thing to still be able to surprise oneself. And I don't mean like by accomplishing things you never thought you could. I mean, I found the candy pumpkins from Halloween I'd hidden somewhere. Surprise, me! I win.
There are many cultural differences between Israel and the US. One is the acceptability of certain costumes. On Purim, I saw many people dressed as Ethiopians or other African people with their faces painted brown. As an American, this makes me uncomfortable. As we were getting dressed in our costumes, I was talking to Anne about what we find so offensive about this. People often wear eye liner to go with their geisha costumes at Halloween and that's fine. Dressing up as something means trying to look as much like it as possible, and it's impossible to deny that some people have different colored skin. So why is that bad? Anne's response to this was just that dressing up like that was offensive. After that, we just went out to celebrate Purim, me dressed as a lemon tree and Anne as a Native American.